Following its acclaimed premiere at Sundance earlier in the year, Chloe Domont’s gripping romantic thriller, “Fair Play,” recently debuted internationally at TIFF, maintaining its edge thanks to Phoebe Dynevor’s captivating performance and Domont’s unwavering directorial vision.
The narrative primarily revolves around Emily (played by Dynevor), a skilled analyst at a competitive New York financial firm, and her clandestine romance with Luke (portrayed by the ever-compelling Alden Ehrenreich), a fellow analyst and her covert live-in lover. Their relationship, intricately woven with ambition and desire, faces mounting challenges as they navigate the cutthroat world of hedge funds.
Domont skillfully constructs the dynamics of Emily and Luke’s relationship, subtly tracing its trajectory from intimacy to turmoil. Through nuanced changes in dialogue and striking visual cues, Domont captures the gradual disintegration of their bond, underscored by themes of power dynamics and sexism in both personal and professional spheres.
Dynevor delivers a standout performance, portraying Emily with a blend of strength and vulnerability, her emotions simmering beneath a composed facade. As tensions escalate, Dynevor adeptly conveys the toll of maintaining a dual identity, culminating in a powerful confrontation reminiscent of classic cinema.
While Domont’s script occasionally leans into theatrics, her adept handling of tension and power dynamics, coupled with standout performances, cements her status as a director to watch. “Fair Play” offers a thrilling exploration of love, ambition, and the cost of power, leaving a lasting impression on audiences.
This review was written during the 2023 Toronto International Film Festival. “Fair Play” is set to hit theaters on September 29th and will be available for streaming on Netflix starting October 6th.